Hey I just finished posting my 8-bit Cover of Rat River by Lemkuuja, and I'm planning on uploading my 8-bit Cover of the next song in CHEESECAKE+, Ouais Ouais (ft. SlyLeaf), but uh I've run into a problem...
How I Made My 8-BIt Covers vs. How I Make Them Now
You see...I used Beepbox.co to make the original cover, but now I use Jummbus.bitbucket.io to make 8-Bit covers. I use Jummbus since Beepbox is really quiet but Jummbus gives a bit more options in terms of volume and such, so I just exported my Rat River cover from Beepbox into a .json file to import into Jummbus, which worked fine and how I was able to upload the cover here.
How Beepbox mods (Like Jummbus for example) save
Jummbus is a modded version of Beepbox which is why it's so easy for me to use. By default, all song data is stored in the URL, which is what makes the URLs for the projects so long. And since the song data is stored in the URL, in order to save them, I have to Bookmark the URL to the latest project. That's how I've been saving ever since I started using Beepbox and Jummbus.
The Actual Problem
You're probably waiting to hear the actual problem and why Ouais Ouais is gonna take so long, so here's why:
I looked through my bookmarks of all my saves from all kinds of different songs I've made with Beepbox and Jummbus (Including Jealousy ;)) and as I searched up Ouais Ouais, I couldn't find the full cover, which scares the crap out of me, I dunno where the full thing has gone, all I have is the supposed "fixed" version of one of the saves, but that's it. So I'm going to have to export that as a .json file, import it into Jummbus, and continue from where it leaves off.
The save I made of the full version of my Ouais Ouais cover is missing. So now I have to build off an unfinished version to remake a new one. That's why my cover of Ouais Ouais is going to take a bit.
If You Wanna See My Covers so Far...
If you didn't know, I have a YouTube channel! So feel free to subscribe or check out my 8-Bit covers (Including the original full cover of Ouais Ouais ^^)
My channel
That's it for now, I hope I see you guys soon!